Welcome to simermela.blogspot.com and Thanks for visiting our website simermela.blogspot.com, new generation telecommunication and educational news portal in Bangladesh, publishes update telecommunication news such as Banglalink, Grameenphone, Airtel, Teletalk, Robi sim offer, etc. and various educational information like result, routine, etc.
Here, we made a platform that anyone can find all types of sim offer like new sim offer, Bondho sim offer, Bundle sim offer, etc. and all kinds of educational information like nu honors and degree result, routine, etc.
We will try to provide and serve you necessary information on Banglalink, Grameenphone, Airtel, Teletalk, Robi sim offer, and also try to provide you the result, routine, book list, preparation, etc.
simermela.blogspot.com tries to provide all the latest sim offer like Banglalink, Grameenphone, Airtel, Teletalk, Robi internet offer, minute offer, SMS offer, etc. So stay connected with us by following our Facebook Fan page,