Robi Reactivation Bondho Sim Offer 2020 Win Back Offer: Welcome to Robi Bondho Sim Offer 2020. Customers will get Robi 4 GB Internet Data with 120 any net minute offer for 30 days validity after reactivation of Rob Inactive Sim. Robi prepaid customers can enjoy this reactivation Bondho Off sim offer win back offer only. Robi prepaid customers also can return to Robi’s 4.5G Network and enjoy Robi Bondho sim special call rate offer. Robi prepaid Customers can check the closed and silent sim offer through Robi Website or My Robi Apps. Detailed information of Robi Bondho sim winback internet offer 2020 is discussed below:-
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Robi Reactivation Bondho Sim Offer |
Robi Reactivation Bondho Sim Win Back Offer 2020
Only Robi prepaid customers check whether they are eligible or not for winback offer returning to Robi’s 4.5G Network by activating their Robi Bondho Sim and enjoy the special internet and call rate offer easily.
Details of Robi Inactive Sim Win Back Offer 2020
- 4 GB with 120 anynet minute for 30 days validity @Tk119 recharge
- 4 GB (for any use) 120 minutes for using any local number
- Validity 30 days (24 hrs)
- For getting Robi Balance Check Code and checking data balance please dial *3# & For checking minutes please dial *222*2#
- Customer can purchase this Robi off Sim offer as many times as possible
How to Check Robi Bondho Sim Offer Eligibility 2020:
To check Robi Bondho Sim Offer eligibility, customers can send free SMS from any Robi/018 number in the following format: A<space>018XXXXXXXX to 8050 or can dial *8050#, put silent number and follow the instruction.- Customer can check the offer through Robi Website or My Robi Apps
- The retailer can check the offer through *999#
Other Notes of this Bondho Robi Sim Offer 2020:
- Robi Prepaid Customers can purchase the Bondho Sim offer as many times as possible within the campaign period
- Robi can close or add/remove conditions of the offer at any time with proper permission from the concerned authority
- this Robi off Sim Offer valid till further notice
See Also: banglalink bondho sim offer
N:B: The Robi 1GB and 2 GB Free Bondho Sim Internet Offer that is given below is not available now
You can also see Robi bondho sim offer 2017 October, Robi bondho sim offer November 2020, Robi bondho sim internet offer and Robi new sim offer from our website. so visit this website to get all recent bondho or new sim offers of Bangladesh. If you want to know more information about Robi Winback Offer. Stay connected with us.We will try to update all information of New Bondho Robi sim offer.
You might also like Banglalink bondho sim offer, GP bondho sim offer, GP new sim offer, Robi bondho sim offer, Airtel bondho sim offer and Teletalk bondho sim offer that is available on our website. Thanks for being with us.
N:B: The Robi 1GB and 2 GB Free Bondho Sim Internet Offer that is given below is not available now
How To Check 1GB Free Robi Bondho Sim Internet Offer May?
- Customers will get the following Robi 1 GB free Bondho Sim Internet Offer at the 1st time recharge of 29 Tk:
- The validity of this Robi Sim 1 GB free internet offer is 7 days.
- Robi Bondho Sim 1 GB free Internet Offer can be taken only once.
- Robi Reactivation Free Internet Can be used in 24 hours.
- This Robi Closed Sim Offer includes 0.5 Paisa / Second for any Robi / Airtel number for 30 days and 1 Paisa / Second for other operators
- The Robi Special Call Rate of this Robi off sim offer will be applicable for 24 hours.
- Customers can take this Robi Unused Sim Special Call Rate offer as many times as they desired.
How To Check 2 GB Free Robi Bondho Sim Internet Offer April?
- Customers will get the following Robi Bondho Sim 2 GB Fee Internet Offer for the 1st time recharge of 100 Tk:
- The validity of this Robi inactive Sim 2 GB free internet offer is 7 days
- Robi Bondho Sim 2 GB free Internet Offer can be taken only once.
- Robi Reactivation Free 2 GB Internet Can be used in 24 hours.
- This Robi Bondho Sim Offer 2017 November 0.5 paisa/second for any Robi / Airtel number in 90 days (for 24 hours) and 1 paisa / second for other operators
- This Robi Bondho Sim Offer November 2017 Call Rate will be taken as many times as desired.
When will Robi Reactivation Bondho Sim Free Internet Offer May not be applicable?
- For the second time, recharge of 29 Taka / 100 Taka, the subscribers will get special call rate only. They won't get Robi Bondho Sim Free Data Offer.
- Customer will not get the second Robi Reactivation bonus data Offer for the second time within 30 days after the recharge of the first 29 Taka / 100.
- If the recharge of Taka 29/100 will be registered for all facilities. Without this recharge, customer will not get these facilities.
- Customers will not be able to enjoy special hours if they are not recharged at Tk 29 and Tk 100, and their tariff plans will be regular until further recharge of Tk 29/100.
In the second month, subscribers will get the second and the next Robi 1 GB data bonus at recharge of 29 Taka / 100, and Robi Bondho Sim data bonus will be available every 30 days intervals.
- Subscribers will get Robi 1 GB Data bonus in any Data Card / Easy Load Data Pack Recharge.
- The Expiry Time of this 1 GB 7 Robi Data bonus days (in 24 hours)
- Only 1 time in 30 days.
- Thus, the customer will enjoy 1 GB Data Bonus facility at any data card / Easy Load Data Pack recharge.
- Customers will get maximum 12 times of data usage in a 30-day break. It will start from 1st recharge of Taka 29 / Taka (1st 11 GB Data + Data Card / Easy Load Data Pack in next 11 times Data Bonus in recharge).
- If the subscriber does not receive any month's data bonus, he will not get the full data facility of 12 months; But the next break will be available.
Other information of Robi Reactivation Offer :
- You can send free SMS from any Robi Off number to verify whether you are eligible or not for this Bondho Robi Sim offer. Type A018XXXXXXXX and send SMS to 8050 or dial * 8050 # and follow the instructions and hit the number of your closed Robi Sim.
- The Robi Bondho offer will continue until further notice is given.
- Subject to the approval of the concerned authorities, Robi can stop the All Robi Closed Sim offer May or add or subdue any conditions at any time.
Robi Reactivation Bondo Sim Offer Package Check:
How to check eligibility of Robi bondho sim offer 2020 is described below.
- To check eligibility of Robi bondho sim offer 2020, customers can send free SMS from any Robi number in the following format: A018XXXXXXXX to 8050
- Customers can be reactivated with Robi reactivation bondho sim offer April by recharging Tk 29/100.
If A customer reactivates his/her Robi Bondho connection by recharging Tk 29/100. He/She will get a confirmation SMS within a few moments of reactivation Robi Sim & will be migrated to Robi Bondho Win-back offer. After that confirmation SMS, the customer will be able to enjoy Robi 1GB Free internet offer & Special Tariff on Tk 29 recharge and the customer will be able to enjoy Robi 2 GB Free internet offer & Special Tariff onTk 100.
- This Robi Bondho Sim Offer will continue until further notice
- But Robi can close or add/remove conditions of this Robi Bondho Sim Offer at any time with proper permission from the concerned authority
You can also see Robi bondho sim offer 2017 October, Robi bondho sim offer November 2020, Robi bondho sim internet offer and Robi new sim offer from our website. so visit this website to get all recent bondho or new sim offers of Bangladesh. If you want to know more information about Robi Winback Offer. Stay connected with us.We will try to update all information of New Bondho Robi sim offer.
You might also like Banglalink bondho sim offer, GP bondho sim offer, GP new sim offer, Robi bondho sim offer, Airtel bondho sim offer and Teletalk bondho sim offer that is available on our website. Thanks for being with us.